Coming Soon!

Our first few kits are now available here!

What will they be creating?

  • Memories

  • Learning experiences focused on Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics (STEAM)

  • Cool Toys, Crafts, and Gadgets

  • The skills and knowledge to eventually create amazing, original things without needing our little kits anymore!

Just what kinds of activities will come in the Crates? Well, here are some ideas we already have in development:

  • ”Bottle Blasters” - Low-pressure water powered bottle rockets to repeatedly launch and catch in the backyard.

  • Laser-Cut Instruments to learn acoustic principles and mathematical relationships between length, tension, and sound frequency.

  • Cymatics Kit(s) - Cymatics is the study of the visualization of sound through the patterns it makes in physical media.

  • Cardboard Crafting Kits and Templates - Learn to turn those empty Amazon boxes into functional organizers (to store your creations), cool toys, or even Hot Wheels tracks (See Video).

  • So. Many. More. - I’m going to have a blast developing these ideas and testing them with my kids while we drive my wife crazy with them.

If any if these kits sound like something you kid or grandkid would enjoy, please sign up below to receive email notifications about the development progress and when they are available for purchase.

That’s right. The main goal of our “Creator’s Craft Crates” will be to help you craft little creators that no longer need our crates to create - say that 10x fast! This is why each of our Crates will include additional activities, ideas, online contests with other little creators, and more to encourage a lifetime of creating.

Beta Testers Wanted!

As we are currently in the research and development phase for our kits, we need real kids to test them out to see what works well with the kits and what needs improvement. If you think that your child would enjoy testing out a prototype kit for free and giving us some feedback, please fill out our Beta Tester Volunteer Form.

Physics Homeschool Curriculum Coming for 2025-26 School Year!

Our goal is not just to make kits that you can put together that are slightly math and science related and call them “STEM Kits” we want our Crates to be a true learning experience that teaches something other than just how to follow directions to put together something someone else designed (or even worse - how to bug your parent while they assemble something that was supposed to be for you). While the skills of following directions to assemble something are no doubt useful (especially if you are a fan of Swedish furniture), we believe that a STEM Kit should teach real STEM principles.  We also believe that it isn’t just elementary age kids that can learn from working with a kit.  As it turns out, most middle schoolers, high schoolers, and even adults also prefer to learn from hands-on experiences and that learning sticks with them longer because they experienced it with so many of their senses.

If you don’t know already, we are not just making “kits”. We are making an entire year-long physics curriculum intended for homeschool families, cooler than average schools, and cooler than average parents who want to supplement their child’s in-school learning with some at-home stuff.  This curriculum will be available at the following levels:

  • AP Physics 1: Algebra Based

  • Physics for grades 9-12

  • Physics for grades 6-8

  • Physics for grades 3-5

  • Physics for grades K-2

We will even have an option to purchase the curriculum at all levels which is ideal for homeschool families with students at a variety of ages. The curriculum will use the Craft Crates, with activities and experiments customized for each learning level. The year-long curriculum will be broken into 8 units. Each unit will include 2 physical kits.  The same kits will be used for all age levels with different suggested learning activities to go with the kits that will be tailored to each learning level.  Additionally, each unit will include:

  • Full written material to fully explain the Physics concepts of that unit (digital format only).

    • This is basically a textbook, but we don’t want to call it a “textbook”.  It will have everything that a textbook should have including practice problems and an answer key for teachers, but it won’t be written like a boring, formal textbook.

    • Instead, it is written in informal language, broken apart into small chunks, and features very frequent videos and activities to give kids a break from the “big book of text.”  Each section even has a TL;DR Summary (stands for “Too Long; Didn’t Read) at the top to give a very brief overview of the most important concepts of that section.

  • Several Activities/Experiments/Labs to do with the Crates.

  • Several Activities/Experiments/Labs to do with things you probably already have (phone, computer, basic household items)

  • Video Explanations by me for tricky concepts.

  • Links to video explanations by other creators who did such a great job that I didn’t feel the need to reinvent the wheel.

Developing this curriculum will be a large undertaking, so we will be releasing it in 8 chunks or units which are:

  1. Kinematics

  2. Force and Translational Dynamics

  3. Work, Energy, and Power

  4. Linear Momentum

  5. Torque and Rotational Dynamics

  6. Energy and Momentum of Rotating Systems

  7. Oscillations

  8. Fluids

If any of this sounds interesting to you, sign up below to receive more updates and specifics including planned release dates for the units.